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Gavin Lynch

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Art TO 2020: Angell Gallery

Erika DeFreitas, Steve Driscoll, Dan Hudson, Daniel Hutchinson, Gavin Lynch, Isabel M. Martínez, Laura Millard, Luke Painter, Jessica Thalmann, Bradley Wood

Still life with green apple 1 - 24, 2020
34 x 28 inches x 24
(available individually)

Whether embracing, rejecting, questioning, or adapting to the digital tide, the artists of ANGELL GALLERY continue to develop their dedicated practices during this meaningful year on Earth.

In recent bodies of work, STEVE DRISCOLL has been expressing—through urethane paintings and backlit glass—the ways we interact with the natural world using digital video and photography. Whether bursts, blurs, or panoramas, this interaction can change and deepen our connections to time and the environment.

Making the translation between digital and physical, GAVIN LYNCH’s paintings bring our digital language of pixels and fluid marks to three-dimensional tangibility. Lynch’s meticulous precision and use of material confound the eyes as these intricate surfaces are processed.

Digital realms question time and space, infinite places to record our memories, but never replacing the people and things they capture. ERIKA DeFREITAS’ practice engages with loss, memory, and presence and absence in both the physical and virtual spaces, ensuring they are revered and they endure in their documentation and expression.

Both ISABEL M. MARTÍNEZ and JESSICA THALMANN are pushing our definitions of contemporary photo-based work out of the digital—Martínez employing and reinventing strictly analogue techniques, with Thalmann bringing the two-dimensional image into object space by folding and sculpting printed photographs.

Artists and their artworks reflect the times they are living in, and we are all increasingly existing between two worlds simultaneously. The celebration, discomfort, and challenge of these conditions, but also the gratitude for time and space, will help us all move forward with hope. What is either digital or physical still “is.”

- Noah Gano

Installation photographs by Alex Fischer.